Mental Health, OCDThe day my brain broke: Living with anxiety and OCDThis wasn’t just regular anxiety that we feel on a day-to-day basis, this was urgent, and I felt like I was going to die.Read MoreThe day my brain broke: Living with anxiety and OCDCaterina VitaleNovember 1, 20242 Comments
Mental Health, OCDWhat is OCD and is it just about being tidy?OCD is a mental health condition in which a person experiences recurrent and unwanted thoughts, urges, feelings, sensations or images that cause distress.Read MoreWhat is OCD and is it just about being tidy?Caterina VitaleOctober 26, 20243 Comments
Mental Health, OCDHow do I know it’s OCD?When we are in the midst of OCD, we may begin to question our own anxiety.Read MoreHow do I know it’s OCD?Caterina VitaleOctober 14, 20241 Comment